Garden of Earthly Delights

Lurkers in the shadows

Corner of the eye

Movement, moaning

On the big screen, loud

The cinema was dark

One central light source

One large projection screen.

Art was playing, loud, 


Despite the screaming 

with orgasmic profanity

It’s so quiet. Library quiet.

Distant shuffling & whispering

Amongst the shadows, lurkers.

Looking, not watching…

It’s a theatre with no Audience.

They look up, away from the film

Shows up there, “the lounge”

A sign read:

C O U P L E S  O N L Y

N O   S W A R M I N G

Phallic grey sweatpants with eyes wait

At the bottom of the stairs, 

Hopeful for a date

Eyes: fixated, watching, waiting

Spookin’ at

Creepin’ on

Starin’ into

Glarin’ through

Goonin’ out

His binoculars went up

Two hands, two circles

Frame his eyes

He whistles at us

Gesturing for attention 

Desperate for attention

We were the attraction

We were safe upstairs, in the couples lounge

Uncomfortable seats, we squirmed all around

We always would go

Just to put on a show

Naked with raw confidence 

Exhibitionism magnificence 

Their jealousy grew L O U D 

Their eagerness grew F I L T H Y

Their tactics grew S T E A L T H Y

Their brows grew S W E A T Y

Their urges grew, more L O U D 

They’re there, down there

Now fixated on us, only us.

Looking, watching, staring

Binoculars is getting sassy.

He’s insatiably craving “action”

Our show time commenced, harder

We dabble in the performing arts, we

Party hard

Play hard

Perform hard

AllTheWay hard

As a crowd formed below, 

Below the balcony

Below the screen

Exit signs glow green

Messed up & Revved up

With no pants up

Time to giddy up

Need to get it up

We made the descent


Among the lurkers we went.

Whispering, moaning, eyes

Followed before wandering spies

Came to watch us, see everyone tries

To join in the game, but it was all guys

Lurkers be swarmin’ round real close to our site

Where we staked a claim, in the dark of the night.

More polite than expected, they met our demands

No swarming or joining was said to busy hands

We found the center, of the attention again

A whole pit of hopelessly masturbating men

Verbal wrangling did it well, no need for tricks

Kept at a distance so we didn’t get their dicks

Too close to us for the special moment right?

The orgasm indeed, the spectacle of the night.

We survived the crowd & made some friends too

Once the lights, they go on, play time is now through.

People became civilized again, clothed again in the light

It was over, both shows, everything normal, just alright.

Just people, not pirates, in the Garden of Earthly Delight


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